sugar free ganache tart for diabetics

The Best Diabetic Sugar Free Ganache Tart Recipe.

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picture of Tracey from The naked Diabetic - recipe creator and founder. Recipe created by Tracey of The Naked Diabetic

There is no doubt about it ganache is a luxurious treat. This Sugar Free Ganache Tart is rich and tastes delightful.

sugar free ganache tart for diabetics

Ingredients List

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About the Ingredients

sugar free ganache tart for diabetics

Almond Flour

Almond flour (made from finely ground almonds) makes our crust. Even some non-diabetic recipes for ganache Tart use this, so it is perfect and it keeps everything diabetic-friendly.

Splenda Sweetener

Splenda Granulated Sweetener is our sweetener of choice. It is not heat-sensitive and is a great sugar substitute.


A flavour enhancer but also helps to remove bitterness from the sweetener.

Canola Oil

Used in place of butter in the crust. It is the binding agent for the crust.

diabetic sugar free ganache tart

Sugar Free Chocolate Chips

I have used ChocZeros Sugar-Free Chocolate Chips as they have the lowest net carbs I have found so far. ChocZero has sugar-free chocolate chips available in dark chocolate and milk chocolate flavours. If you are using a different brand, be sure to account for differences in nutritional information.

Heavy Cream

The heavy cr4eam gives the chocolate ganache a creamy texture and rich flavour.

Pro Tips and FAQs

Using an alternative flour

You can substitute Almond flour for a preferred flour of your choosing. Always remember it will alter the nutritional values. When choosing an alternate flour and trying to keep it diabetic-friendly, choose a low-carb flour. Check out our article on choosing low carb Flour when Baking for diabetics.

Using an alternative sweetener

As wit all of our recipes, I try to use Splenda sweetener. If you have a preference for another type of sweetener by all means feel free to substitute it. Keep in mind that the nutritional values may be changed. Be sure to choose a sweetener that is granulated for the crust and is not heat-sensitive.

Substitutions for the Canola Oil.

You can easily change out the canola oil for other oils, such as coconut oil. Keep in mind that flavoured oils may change the overall flavour of your sugar free ganache tart.

Using different Chocolate Chips

I am using Sugar Free Choco Zero as they are very low in carbs. When substituting, try to get the lowest net carbs that you can and use sugar-free chocolate chips. There are many brands in the market, but they do not all have the same carb content.

What is considered heavy cream?

heavy Cream is what rises to the top when it is separated from the milk. Look for a cream that has 35-36 percent fat. The high-fat content adds to the richness and creaminess of the finished ganache y=tart. A low-fat cream results in a runny ganache.

Some people like to substitute coconut cream in place of heavy cream if you are looking for a vegan alternative.

Storing Instructions

This Sugar Free ganache tart can be stored refrigerated and covered in an airtight container for up to one week.

This tart can also be frozen for up to one month. I have had mixed results when freezing. Sometimes it ends up soggy after defrosting, so fresh is best.

How to Make a Sugar Free Ganache Tart

diabetic. ganache tart recipe - make the crust
making the sugar free ganache tart recipe

The Filling

how to make a sugar free ganache tart
how to make sugar free ganache tart for diabetics
sugar free chocolate ganache tart for diabetics
sugar free ganache tart recipe
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The Sugar Free Ganache Tart Recipe

sugar free ganache tart for diabetics

Diabetic Friendly Sugar Free Ganache Tart

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Cook Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 12
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  • 1 non stick Tart pan with removable bottom



Ganache Filling



  • Preheat oven to 325 °F (165C)
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the crust ingredients.
  • Using a pastry blender, mix until the crust is a moist crumble.
  • Press evenly into a 9 inch tart pan.
  • Bake for approximately 10 to 12 minutes or until just turning golden.
  • Let cool.

Ganache Filling

  • In a small saucepan, bring the cream to a simmer.
  • Remove from the heat.
  • Add the sugar free chocolate chips and stir constantly until all of the chocolate is melted.
  • Pour ganache into the prepared crust.
  • Chill for 2 hours before serving.
  • *If chocolate is melted and appears grainy, it is fine but you can pour it through a sieve or use an immersion blender if desired.

Nutritional Information

The information listed below is for one serving using specified ingredients. Any alterations or substitutions can alter the nutritional information.

This recipe makes 12 equal portions

  • Calories – 233
  • Total fat – 22 gr
  • Saturated fat – 7 gr
  • Total Carbs – 12.6 gr
  • Fibre – 9.4 gr
  • Net Carbs – 3.2 gr
  • Protein – 2 gr
  • Sodium – 24 mg

Nutrition information is provided as a courtesy and is automatically calculated using an online nutrition calculator. We encourage you to calculate nutrition data with your specific brand ingredients as nutritional information can vary between brands

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