diabetic-friendly low carb cabbage rolls

Easy to make, healthy, Low Carb Cabbage Rolls

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picture of Tracey from The naked Diabetic - recipe creator and founder. Recipe created by Tracey of The Naked Diabetic

Cabbage Rolls are an old Polish tradition. Although I do not have Polish heritage, I’ve finally mastered my version of diabetic-friendly low-carb cabbage rolls, another perfect addition to our diabetic-friendly recipes.

DIABETIC low carb cabbage rolls recipe
Low Carb cabbage rolls – easy to make

Cabbage rolls are delicious comfort food that is perfect when you want to have a simple meal with little cleanup. We use cauliflower rice in our recipe, which is a must-have for every diabetic-friendly kitchen.

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About the Ingredients

The Cabbage

Many recipes call for the standard green cabbage. I have tried a few different types of cabbage and I find that Savoy cabbage is the best for rolling. The leaves are thinner and much more pliable. They are ideal for rolling.

You could also use Chinese cabbage, but they are much more expensive (at least near me).

The Savoy cabbage leaves are thinner, they don’t require cooking for long periods before rolling. Using a standard green cabbage head requires cooking much longer to make it easier to roll. My husband’s grandmother used to cook the head all afternoon to get the leaves to roll easily.

This recipe for low carb cabbage rolls, calls for 12 large leaves. I usually boil the entire head (remove the core first) and use a few extra leaves as a base in the baking dish for the cabbage rolls. The remainder of the head I chop for soup.

Traditional cabbage roll recipes usually end up with a calorie count of around 400 – 425 and 35-40 grams of carb per serving. This recipe for low carb cabbage rolls brings the calories down to 297 calories and 12 grams of carb per serving. For us diabetics trying to keep our blood sugars in the normal range, this is a true bonus!

Cauliflower Rice

In this recipe for low carb cabbage rolls, I use riced cauliflower in place of regular rice. My family doesn’t even notice any difference in the taste and prefers this recipe to the rice version. These low carb cabbage rolls end up juicer than the rice version.

If you are not a cauliflower lover, don’t worry, there is no strong cauliflower taste. You can buy frozen riced cauliflower in the supermarket. I find it a bit pricey for what you get.

diabetic low carb cabbage rolls
Easy Diabetic Low Carb Cabbage Rolls

How to make Cauliflower Rice

How to make Cauliflower rice using a grater:

Remove the leaves from the cauliflower. Cut the cauliflower into large chunks. Using a box grater, grate the cauliflower into rice-sized pieces.

How to make cauliflower rice using a food processor:

Remove leaves from the cauliflower and wash. Cut into chunks and place into a food processor. Pulse the cauliflower until it is in rice-sized pieces.

How to store your homemade cauliflower rice

Place in an airtight container or Ziploc bag and keep refrigerated for 3 to 4 days, or freeze in Ziploc bags for up to 2 months.

Splenda Granulated Sweetener

I use Splenda granulated whenever possible as it does not negatively impact my blood sugar. I find that sweeteners that contain sugar alcohols cause my blood sugar to rise. If this is not a concern for you or you have a preferred sweetener, by all means, make substitutions that suit your preferences and dietary needs. Keep in mind that substituting the sweetener may change the overall nutritional information.

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Easy Low Carb Cabbage Rolls Recipe

low carb cabbage rolls

Low Carb Cabbage rolls

An easy to make, diabetic friendly version of a traditional Cabbage rolls recipe.
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Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: low carb cabbage rolls, diabetic friendly cabbage rolls
Prep Time: 2 hours
Cook Time: 50 minutes
Servings: 6
Calories: 205kcal
Author: The Naked Diabetic
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  • 18 large cabbage leaves
  • 1 1/2 lb lean ground beef
  • 1 1/2 cup riced cauliflower
  • 1 medium onion, chopped finely
  • 1 4 oz can of mushroom pieces, drained
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1.4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 15 oz can of tomato sauce
  • 1 tbsp Splenda sweetener
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp water


  • Preheat oven to 375°f.
  • Using a sharp knife, remove the core from the cabbage.
  • In a large pot, bring enough water to a boil.to completely cover the cabbage
  • Reduce heat to simmer and simmer for at least half an hour (make sure cabbage is not resting on the bottom of the pan, it should be floating)
  • While the cabbage is simmering, in a large skillet, brown the ground beef and chopped onion.
  • add the salt, pepper and garlic powder and mix thoroughly.
  • Stir in riced cauliflower and mushroom p[ieces and combine well.
  • Once the cabbage is cooked, remove the outer leaves with tongs and continue to simmer until you have removed enough leaves for the recipe.
  • Spray the baking dish with non stick cooking spray and line with 6 cabbage leaves.
  • On a flat surface place a cabbage leaf and fill with 2-3 tablespoons of the ground beef mixture.
  • Tightly roll the cabbage roll and place, seam side down into the lined baking dish.
  • Repeat for the rest of the cabbage rolls.
  • in a small mixing bowl combine tomato sauce, lemon juice, Splenda and water and mix well.
  • Spread the sauce over the cabbage rolls and cover with aluminum foil.
  • Bake at 375°in the oven for 50 minutes


Calories: 205kcal | Carbohydrates: 10g | Fiber: 2g | Net Carbs: 8gr | Protein: 32g | Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Trans Fat: 0.4g | Cholesterol: 70mg | Sodium: 497mg | Potassium: 715mg | Sugar: 3g | Calcium: 51mg | Iron: 3mg
Low Carb Cabbage Rolls Recipe

Nutrition information is provided as a courtesy and is automatically calculated using an online nutrition calculator. We encourage you to calculate nutrition data with your specific brand ingredients as nutritional information can vary between brands

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