diabetic sugar free strawberry ice cream recipe

Simple Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe for Diabetics.

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picture of Tracey from The naked Diabetic - recipe creator and founder. Recipe created by Tracey of The Naked Diabetic

There is nothing like a frozen popsicle or a cold bowl of ice cream on a hot summer day. This super easy Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe is an absolute must-have in our diabetic-friendly home.

sugar free strawberry ice cream recipe for diabetics

Whether it is the strawberry season or not, there is no reason you can’t enjoy this yummy sugar free ice cream treat.

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NOTE – I am using a 2 quart Cuisinart Pure Indulgence Ice Cream kaer. For smaller machines, reduce the recipe in half.

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Making Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

About the Ingredients

Heavy Cream

The heavy Cream is what gives you the traditional rich creamy ice cream. Its high-fat content makes it rich and delicious.

Half and Half

The half-and-half helps to reduce some of the total fat but also keeps it from being too cream (if that’s possible) Half and Half cream has roughly 10-11 percent milk fat and heavy cream usually has at least 35 percent milk fat.


The sweetener is our sugar replacement and enables us to reduce the carbs in the final result, keeping it diabetic-friendly.

Sugar-Free Jello Powder

The Sugar-Free Jello packet not only adds strawberry flavour, but it also acts as a stabilizer which helps prevent ice crystals from forming as well as keeping it soft, making it scoopable.


Salt is well known as a flavour enhancer, but in ice cream, it helps to lower the freezing point of the ice cream. To maintain the strawberry taste, we just add a pinch.

Fresh Strawberries

Fresh strawberries add flavour but also enhance the appearance. A bowl of strawberry ice cream that contains strawberries always looks more appealing than one that is just pink.

Helpful Tips and FAQs

About the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker

I love my Pure Indulgence Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker. It is so easy to use and I am always happy with the end result, no matter what recipe I use. One must-not-skip-step is the preparation of the machine. The canister must be frozen before use (freezing times vary, depending on the freezer) . If you are using another brand of ice cream maker, consult the owner’s manual for instructions.


The inner canister of the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker must be frozen before making this recipe!

Can I add a stabilizer to keep it softer?

Yes, you can add 1/4 tsp if Xanthan Gum to the recipe. Sprinkle it in the mixture and make sure that it is not clumpy. I find it best to whisk it with the sweetener to avoid clumping.

Cream Alternatives

If you have special dietary requirements or just want to use a different product, the following alternatives may work for you.

Sidenote – reducing the fat content in the ice cream ingredients, will reduce the creaminess and the hardness (when frozen)

Sweetener Choices

I use Splenda Sweetener as much as possible due to my own blood glucose response to sweeteners with sugar alcohol. If that is not a concern for you or you have a preferred sweetener, please make substitutions that work for you.

As always, any substitutions can alter nutritional values.

Fresh Strawberries – Alternatives

Not having fresh strawberries available should stop you from enjoying this Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe. here are a few substitutions that will give you delicious results.

  1. Frozen Strawberries
  2. Freeze Dried Strawberries – no sugar added
  3. Sugar-Free Strawberry Jam
  4. Walden Farms Sugar-Free Zero Carb Strawberry Spread.
  5. Walden Farms Sugar-Free zero carb Strawberry Syrup.

How to prevent the sweetener from becoming grainy.

To help prevent graininess, that can be caused by Granulated Sweetener, heat the half and half in a small pan or in the microwave. Get the cream hot but not boiling.

Quickly whisk the sweetener into the half-and-half.

Once well mixed, let it cool completely.

Once cooled, you can mix the ingredients together.

Making this Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe without an Ice Cream Maker.

To make our Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream without an Ice Cream maker follow these simple steps.

1 – Mix all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

2 – Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container. A large container works best as mixing it up in intervals and having a bigger container will help you avoid spilling during mixing.

3 – Place in the freezer for about 25 to 30 minutes.

4 – Remove it from the freezer and give it a vigorous mixing, making sure to get everything from the corners and sides.

5 – Repeat the stirring every 25-30 minutes until the ice cream is hard to stir. Time varies, depending on the type of freezer and temperature. [My trial took 2.5 hours (5 stirrings)]

Why is store-bought ice cream more scoopable than homemade?

Store-bought ice cream is whipped at high speeds resulting in lots of air volume. It is next to impossible to get the same effect at home. If you use an ice cream maker, the paddle helps to keep it stirred during the freezing resulting in more air in the end product. If you are making it without an ice cream maker, you may want to take it out of the freezer approximately 15 to 20 minutes before scooping.

Store-bought regular ice cream also contains sugar honey and other ingredients that act to lower the freezing temperature of the ice cream. If you have ever compared sugar-free store-bought ice cream to regular ice cream, you will see that sugar-free ice cream is harder than regular. (depending on the brand)

How long to thaw after freezing in a container?

Since we are not using sugar or other additives the ice cream will be harder than traditional ice cream. Give yourself about 20 minutes to 1/2 hour of thawing time before serving.

Storage Instructions

For the best results, store your homemade ice cream in an airtight container in the freezer for up to one month.

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The Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

A delicious diabetic friendly version of strawberry ice cream that is low carb and tastes yummy.
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Course: Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Diabetic Strawberry Ice Cream, Sugar Free Strawberry Ice Cream
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Ice Cream Maker Mixing Time: 25 minutes
Servings: 8
Calories: 253kcal
Author: The Naked Diabetic
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  • Cuisinart Pure Indulgence Ice Cream Maker



  • In a large mixing bowl or extra large measuring cup whisk all ingredients except the strawberries. (make sure the mixture is thoroughly mixed)
  • Place the frozen freezer bowl into the base.
  • Place the mixing arm into the bowl.
  • Secure the lid and turn on the machine. (the freezer bowl should be turning)
  • Pour your cream mixture into the bowl.
  • Let the cream mix until it starts to thicken. (15-20 mins approximately)
  • Pour in your chopped strawberries.
  • Let mix for 5 to 10 minutes more.
  • Turn the machine off.
  • Scoop the ice cream out of the freezer bowl into your ice cream container.
  • Serve soft or freeze for 1 to 2 hours for a firmer ice cream.


Calories: 253kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Fiber: 1g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 25g | Saturated Fat: 16g | Cholesterol: 78mg | Sodium: 35mg | Potassium: 152mg | Sugar: 5g | Calcium: 77mg | Iron: 0.2mg

Nutrition information is provided as a courtesy and is automatically calculated using an online nutrition calculator. We encourage you to calculate nutrition data with your specific brand ingredients as nutritional information can vary between brands

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