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. Recipe created by Tracey of The Naked Diabetic
Nothing goes better with Rhubarb than strawberries and this easy-to-make sugar-free Strawberry Rhubarb crisp recipe is the perfect proof. make it with fresh strawberries and fresh rhubarb or frozen strawberries and frozen rhubarb. It is an absolute treat any time of year.

Most of the ingredients for this recipe can be found in our diabetic-friendly pantry. Having all the right ingredients on hand simplifies baking and recipe-making in every diabetic-friendly kitchen,
This recipe is a great springtime bake when fresh rhubarb is available in local grocery stores and farm markets. If you like rhubarb, check out our Sugar-Free Rhubarb Cheesecake, Sugar-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Cheesecake, and our Sugar-Free Rhubarb Pie recipe.
Ingredients List
- Rhubarb
- Strawberries
- tapioca pearls
- Splenda Granulated Sweetener
- salt
- almond flour
- Brown Sweeteners ( I use Sugar-twin brown or Splenda Brown)
- Canola oil
- Truvia brown sugar blend
Helpful Tips
Tips on Buying Fresh Rhubarb
Here are a few hints on buying the best quality rhubarb.

If you have a choice, go for the farm-grown or field-grown rhubarb available at local farmer’s markets or growers’ roadside stands.
The stalks should be firm. Firm rhubarb stalks mean that the stalks are not dried out. If you see limp or droopy stalks, do not purchase them. a firm stalk will be juicier and more flavourful than a limp one.
Shiny skin on the rhubarb also is a good indicator of the freshness of the rhubarb. if the stalks appear dull they are past their peak. The nice shine or gloss on the stalk is a sign of freshness.
Avoid rhubarb that has blemishes on the skin or with stalks that are curling. It is definitely past it;’s prime.
Tips on buying fresh strawberries
Buy local strawberries if you are able. Strawberries do not have a very long shelf life and the strawberries you see at your local market or roadside stand will be fresher than store-bought strawberries.
Look for strawberries that are bright red with no white spots. Many fruits when picked will continue to ripen after picking, but unfortunately, strawberries are not one of them.

The tips of the strawberries are the last area to ripen, so if the tips are white, they are not quite ripe. You also don’t want white around the stem.
Choose strawberries that have fresh green leaves. If the leaves are dry or have brown or black spots, keep looking.
A nice ripe strawberry will have a strong, sweet strawberry smell, so by all means, give them a little sniff.
When buying strawberries in a plastic container (clamshell), check underneath and as much of the inside as possible. Strawberries only last a few days and can get mouldy quickly.
Choose strawberries that are firm but not hard. A soft strawberry or a strawberry with a soft spot is on the verge of rotting. When they are soft, they have lost some of their flavours and they will likely only last a day or two at best.

Size of casserole dish
This recipe fills a 1.4-litre or 1.5-quart casserole dish. the 1.5 quart (1.4 litres) casserole dish is available in different shapes. The following is a list of 1.5-quart or 1.4-litre casserole dishes.
- round baking dish – such as a glass pie plate
- 8-inch square baking dish
- 7.5-inch round souffle dish
- 9-inch round casserole dish (corning ware with glass lid)
- divide up the recipe into individual ramekins

Sugar-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp Recipe

Low-carb Sugar-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
- 2/3 cup Almond flour
- 1/3 cup Splenda Brown sugar
- 3 tbsp butter – melted
- 4 cups rhubarb – chopped
- 2 cup strawberries – halved
- 1/2 cup Splenda or 0 calorie powdered sweetener
- pinch salt
- 2 tbsp tapioca pearls
- 2 tbsp Truvia brown sugar blend.
- Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C)
- In a large mixing bowl, combine fruit,1/2 cup of Splenda, salt and tapioca pearls.
- Mix well.
- Pour into a 1.5 quart (1.4 Liter) medium-sized casserole dish with a lid.
- In a small mixing bowl, add almond flour, 1/3 cup of Splenda brown sugar, Truvia and melted butter.
- Mix with a pastry cutter or a fork, until you have a loose crumble.
- Pour the crumble over the fruit mix and pat down with a spoon or your hands.
- Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 30 minutes with the lid on or covered with aluminum foil.
- Remove the lid and continue baking for another 15 to 20 minutes.
- Remove from the oven and let cool before serving (at least 1/2 hour)

Nutrition information is provided as a courtesy and is automatically calculated using an online nutrition calculator. We encourage you to calculate nutrition data with your specific brand ingredients as nutritional information can vary between brands

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